April 29, 2010

Palms Residence Another beautiful prefab home, designed by Marmol Radziner + Associates

Another beautiful prefab home, designed by Marmol Radziner + Associates. The Palms apartments is located on land close to urban Venice, California. The building seems active integration under bridges and a small courtyard, which makes the structure a sense of privacy, despite its location in an office. The exterior of the house is finished with cedar siding. A number of screening techniques, including landscaping, fencing, shutters and panels to provide shelter to the street, while retaining the open atmosphere of the house.

April 20, 2010

Brevoort, Dwell House We Love Finalist Entry

For you who like a quiet home atmosphere and comfort for relaxation, away from the office activities and other routine, home design may be suitable for you. Being in the environment tree grove on the outskirts of the forest of Fidalgo Island, Washington offers a variety of birds and wildlife and the river from the house. The majority of the material is made of wood with the concept of houses on stilts. Surrounded by opaque glass so we could see green trees and the sunset reflected from the water ripples river.

April 19, 2010

Sophisticated Connection Dupli.Casa by J. Mayer H.

located in hilly areas, the original house has stood since 1984. building a house that has been so now is the result of renovation, which was reconstructed based on the footprint of the house then modified to adjust to the contemporary design of duplication in the rotation plan that eventually became the home building 3 floors.  

April 14, 2010

Hekma, Dwell House We Love Finalist Entry

Live a comfortable house is everyone's dream. Three interlocking Cubes define living and sleeping spaces with walls of nature, is a fusion which is quite lovely, simple but elegant.

The Modular House (Avant-Garde Architecture)

In the project presentation of The New Modular House which was conducted in Madrid last February, approximately more than 2000 residents attracted by the concept of spain which was designed by A-Cero Architecture Studio directed by Joaquin Torres, as evidenced by the number who request information and request.